Author: Larry

A trip down memory lane... and fat. A lot of fat.

Vader has another trip report

Vader kills it at Dead or Alive and tells you all about his NYC trip on Sunday.

Vegas Crisco Shortage

The fat ones catch up on their flemmie week.

Larry’s Smokey Trip Report

The fat ones are back and catch up on Vader’s trip to Lost Wages. And there was a special guest.

The LFC Easter Special – With Correct Audio

So sorry. Vader ruined everything, which should be no surprise. Here’s the correct version.

I don’t know what I’m riding b!†çh with

The Fat One’s discuss Vader’s upcoming trip to the Lost Wages and discuss his upcoming motorbike ride. And there’s a special announcement of an upcoming Easter episode of the little show.

World famous dining and cruising

Vader tells you all about his cruise and his sunburned feet.

Interrupting Veder

The fat ones chat about Vader’s upcoming cruise and his new podcasting setup. Big Fatty can’t help but interrupt.

Sorry, You’re Not Invited

The fat ones chat about their weeks, Vader’s upcoming cruise and Horrah Event©. Then Vader fake-invites the Fat One to join him. But the Nip will likely go instead.

Snorin’ it up with Big Fatty

The fat one’s catch you up on their weeks. Vader has a Hatty update and Fatty can’t stop snoring.

Wet and Late

The fat ones catch up on the weather and Vader’s big doin’s.