A trip down memory lane... and fat. A lot of fat.
It’s the final LFC with Big Fatty (for two weeks) and Vader is constantly interrupted. The Nip and Doctor Stone also make an appearance. And that’s all. It was so ruined we ended early.
It’s the blockbuster episode. Just remember, we love each and every one of you equally. If you’d like to send a voiceletter, you can e-letter it to meh@thelfc.online or call the vl line at 843-580-2178.
This week it’s a LONG one for you. We originally streamed this one live on July 31 for the Pride48 live-streaming weekend. Thank you to everyone who was in the chatroom and who sent voice letters. If you’d like to send one, you can e-letter it to meh@thelfc.online or call the vl line at 843-580-2178.
We catch up on the last few days and talk about our upcoming livestream on Pride48 after Vader insults crooked hat. We’d love to hear from you — meh@thelfc.online or via our BRAND NEW voiceletter number – 843-580-2178.
Y’all. We catch up on what’s been going on and why the little show is late. And it’s not why you think. We’d love to hear from you — meh@thelfc.online or via our BRAND NEW voiceletter number – 843-580-2178.
We just natter. Nothing else to say. Vader catches everyone up on his eye drama and the fat ones talk about the weather.
The fat ones just catch up and have some breaking news regarding the live Pride48 Broadcast Weekend. We’ll need a LOT of voice letters, so send yours to meh@thelfc.online. Yank our doodles, this one’s a dandy, folks.
We’re back with a quick recap of Vader’s…. shocking….. trip to Alaska, not including a visit with Tim in Alaska. We talk about the Triple Nickel, food, drinks and listen to a voice letter before playing dead or alive. Please send us a voice letter… meh@thelfc.online.
Today we go back to March 23, 2006 and most of the show is DJDavidJ nattering about olives that were still warm.
We’re late, but present… which is more than some shows can say. We catch up on what’s been going on. Larry gives the G’days report and chat about Bugaboo. There are even voice letters! You can send yours to meh@thelfc.online