Recent Podcasts

A trip down memory lane... and fat. A lot of fat.

Fatty’s back, Vader has Nipple Cancer

The title about sums it up. We catch up and chat about Big Fatty surviving his cruise, Vlad’s funeral and Vader getting naked in front of a woman. All things we don’t normally do.

It’s the LFC Gnag Bang

Because the fat one is off on a cruise of a lifetime getting in stranger’s cars, Vader is joined by Dr. Stone and Scotty to natter for a long time.

Do you want to play with Hortye?

We’re fresh back from our French Toast diet and discussing ruination, Adam Burns and the death of a coalminer.

Nurse Vader is here!

We catch up on the week, play the non-existent voice letters and talk about Larry’s superb nursing skills.

Carpenters, Motor scooters and Soft Rock Ballads

We’re back talking about how Vader celebrated his forty aslkj;akjls;df birthday. It’s basically a natter fest. PLEASE send some voice letters to us –

The year of the Obercrombie with a Fitch

Today we sit on the lanai, have some lemonade and discuss everything that’s been going on. If you’d like to tell us how you spent your NYE (and if you watched Dick Clark’s Rockin’ New Years Eve), send us an email at

The Abercrombie Variant

On this episode, the fat ones talk about their holidays and Vader’s household drama. Did you get everything you wanted? Let us know at

Are you on the naughty list?

We’re back with a very late LFC. We chat about what we’ve been up to (mostly Vader), play some games and chat about our holiday plans.

Vananna Wiffers

Vader, Big Fatty and a live studio audience are there to hear all about everyone’s Turkey Day and weekend.

Young Nicklas Needs a Bushwacker

We catch up and talk about our plans for Gobble Gobble Day and talk about Vader’s butch visit to Charlotte for an NFL sports ball game. Also, there’s a taste testing segment with a lot of crunching. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! (also, Vader still hasn’t returned Young Nicklas’ text message.